Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Servo

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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:31 am

ger21 wrote:
Well, I got my buddy who's doing the mechanical side to agree to the single arm provided there is a possible upgrade path to a dual arm if it becomes feasible (slots directly in main tool table

There's no difference between adding your own slot # DRO's, vs ones that CNC Drive **might** eventually add, so there's no reason to wait for them, imo.

If and when they get implemented, it as simple as swapping the field numbers to the new ones.

Guess is probably more about me learning more first. And we aren't in any rush.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:30 pm

Hi Gerry

"There's no difference between adding your own slot # DRO's, vs ones that CNC Drive **might** eventually add, so there's no reason to wait for them, imo. "

How would you make that work in UCCNC for an ATC ??

(;-) TP
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ger21 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:19 pm

Keep track if the slot #s, and what's in them, with your M6 macro.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:24 pm

ger21 wrote:Keep track if the slot #s, and what's in them, with your M6 macro.

So it would need to poll the table everytime the M6 macro runs as you could make changes in between programs...also if was a dual changer, it also needs to update swaps after running...correct? So why even track in the M6 if you still use the table and added fields?
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ger21 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:24 pm

The M6 reads and writes to the fields during a tool change. It doesn't actually keep track in the macro.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:21 pm

ger21 wrote:The M6 reads and writes to the fields during a tool change. It doesn't actually keep track in the macro.

Guess I misunderstood what you meant. That makes more sense now.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:37 pm

But you have not solved but a tiny part of the ATC function. You are just hot swapping a set of values. That is simple enough. But it does not have anything to do with calling tools or the tool table values in UCCNC.

When you call tools in UCCNC you have to call ALL functions by the TOOL# not by a slot # . IF you could call tools by slot # in stead of tool# it would be a piece of cake.

Have you gotten that part figured out ??

(;-) TP
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:40 pm

If you're talking to me, not a clue. I'm a long way from figuring out any of it. Just getting ideas for now.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:47 pm

Actually I was talking to Gerry. I should have stated that, Sorry.

You have enough to think about with the ATC design ;) ;) You have picked the hardest of all combinations to work with for an ATC. I am still willing to help out if you find you need help.

(;-) TP
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:09 pm

Vmax549 wrote:Actually I was talking to Gerry. I should have stated that, Sorry.

You have enough to think about with the ATC design ;) ;) You have picked the hardest of all combinations to work with for an ATC. I am still willing to help out if you find you need help.

(;-) TP

Thanks again, greatly appreciated. Probably going to be a while since we're just about to start making linear rail kits since that design is finished. I'm just mainly trying to see what's possible and what it takes so we can design the ATC around that. Still picking out components to use.

Decided last night to look into going full electric. One linear actuator, one stepper and one push solenoid all controlled by an arduino then one stepper controlled by UCCNC. UCCNC would handle tool selection and movement of ferris wheel, then signal arduino to change the tool and signal back to UCCNC telling change complete. At least that's the working thought for now.
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