1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby NUDEcnc » Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:43 pm

ger21 wrote:I was referring to pitch. Especially of you start with steppers, you'll want a pitch of at least 10mm. And if you go with steppers, 12Nm are too large, and will actually decrease performance. Smaller motors with lower inductance will perform much better. Something in the 4-6Nm range, with very low inductance, and a current rating of 6-7amps will be much better.

Ok, I understand why you want me to have 10mm pitch. The screw will turn 2x slower for the same distance. Also, it will be much better rpm range for steppers :)
12Nm too large !!! - I was hoping that bigger is better :(. I started reading about inductance and it's anything but easy decision :cry:
I will contact manufactures of the stepper/servo system for help. Will see how this will go.
Lichuan CNC Servo Factory Store looks like they have a large offer of servo and steppers.

Thank you for your help
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby NUDEcnc » Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:44 pm

Vmax549 wrote:How important is tapping to you ?

(;-) TP

It's MUST HAVE !!! :D
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby Robertspark » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:03 pm

servo motor for spindle?
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby NUDEcnc » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:20 pm

Vmax549 wrote:If tapping is a must have I do not think your choice of spindle motor is going to work well. Most of that type have a minimum RPM you can run at and that could be well above what you would be able to tap at. AND getting an encoder to work with that type motor may be a problem as well.

Just a thought, TP

Any thought is great value for me:) I never really dived in CNC mechanics. It's a steep learning curve for me :D
This spindle does have build in an encoder. Also, VFD do have braking option.
In regards of minimum RPM, I will contact the seller. I was able to do float tapping on my machine running 1000RPM no problem.
I need to tap max M6 in aluminium. I plan to combine rigid tapping UCCNC option with floating tap holder if needed
Minimum RPM is good question :)
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby NUDEcnc » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:25 pm

Robertspark wrote:servo motor for spindle?

I need high RPM spindle. I would go with 40K RPM spindle if not the tapping.
If the spindle won't work I will instal servo motor next to the spindle.
Or DC motor with gear reduction build in the spindle holder.
There is definitely an option I just need to find one :twisted:
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby thegreatwaldo » Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:16 pm

NUDEcnc wrote:
Robertspark wrote:servo motor for spindle?

I need high RPM spindle. I would go with 40K RPM spindle if not the tapping.
If the spindle won't work I will instal servo motor next to the spindle.
Or DC motor with gear reduction build in the spindle holder.
There is definitely an option I just need to find one :twisted:

Hi Nude

I just got a spindle motor from these people http://www.jian-ken.com/ and it seems to be very well made. They list high speed motors as well. It might be worth a look. They seem to be a reasonable company to deal with, quick delivery and they answer the emails you send promptly. Mind you I havn't plugged mine in yet but am hoping it'll work ok.

Sorry made a bit of a cockup and posted twice

Last edited by thegreatwaldo on Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby thegreatwaldo » Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:17 pm

NUDEcnc wrote:
Robertspark wrote:servo motor for spindle?

I need high RPM spindle. I would go with 40K RPM spindle if not the tapping.
If the spindle won't work I will instal servo motor next to the spindle.
Or DC motor with gear reduction build in the spindle holder.
There is definitely an option I just need to find one :twisted:

Hi Nude

I just got a spindle motor from these people http://www.jian-ken.com/ and it seems to be very well made. They list high speed motors as well. It might be worth a look. They seem to be a reasonable company to deal with, quick delivery and they answer the emails you send promptly. Mind you I havn't plugged mine in yet but am hoping it'll work ok.


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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby Robertspark » Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:35 am

P = 2 X pi X N X T /60

At 40,000 rpm your torque is very low and only good enough for a high speed low torque application (like surface grinding), unless that is you have a huge spindle ....
Andrew thanks for the link
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby NUDEcnc » Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:15 pm

thegreatwaldo wrote:Hi Nude

I just got a spindle motor from these people http://www.jian-ken.com/ and it seems to be very well made. They list high speed motors as well. It might be worth a look. They seem to be a reasonable company to deal with, quick delivery and they answer the emails you send promptly. Mind you I havn't plugged mine in yet but am hoping it'll work ok.



Hi Andrew,
Great news. Please keep me updated.
Can you tell which spindle model and VFD you have?
I'll have no idea how I will connect this but I hope that you will be able to give me some guidelines after you build your setup.
THX Arek

Robertspark wrote:P = 2 X pi X N X T /60

At 40,000 rpm your torque is very low and only good enough for a high speed low torque application (like surface grinding), unless that is you have a huge spindle ....
Andrew thanks for the link

You think that 40k 3.5kW spindle would be that bad ?? :) I did push quite hard 800W 18000rpm with 6mm endmill in alu no problem, so I would assume that 3.5kW would do better :) @ 40k
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Re: 1000x500mm high precision router build - NEED FORUM HELP

Postby Robertspark » Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:20 pm

3.5kw spindle rated at 40000 rpm has double the torque of an 800w spindle rated at 18000rpm



So it will be fine / provide more cutting torque than what you had
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