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screen image update during development

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:19 pm
by Robertspark
Any way to easily reload images whilst UCCNC is loaded?

basically I am doing some screen editing and am changing some buttons etc (or at least their images in GIMP and was wondering if there was any way to refresh / reload the images without restarting UCCNC?


Re: screen image update during development

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:33 pm
by eabrust
Hey Rob.

I'm away from computer and can't test, but can you just reselect and apply that screenset again on latest versions of UCCNC?

Or select other screen, apply, than reselect the screen of interest and apply?


Re: screen image update during development

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 9:34 pm
by cncdrive
Hi Rob,

You can't do that, because as it is now the picture images do not have an identifier on the user side. They just upload and then you will have no identifier to tell the software which one to change.
It is planned though that they will have an ID, but it is not worked out yet how it will exactly work and when will we get to this development phase is also yet unknown. :(

One way could be though to use the ID in the screen editor, but that makes some things complicated. Anyways, we will get to it sometime and will see how to make it...

Re: screen image update during development

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:49 pm
by Robertspark
Thanks to you both, its no problem just a little slower to test things with a restart thats all.

Lets face it there are not that many changes that are done to the screenset that often.... so a simple restart is the easiest, not point in wasting development time on an occasionally used feature, but thanks again, I thought I'd just check if that I was doing was the easiest way of doing it
