Screenset languages - just wondering??

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Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby Robertspark » Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:27 am

I was wondering if it was possible to provide the screensets in other languages??

My thought was to use a generic background and generic shaped buttons, and then overlay the buttons with textfield obects that were referenced to user defined fields created by say a slow running macroloop (one with a long sleep period, and then within the macroloop you could define the fields based upon the language?

This may not work out well as some words are obviously longer in some languages (or maybe shorter) than the one that the screenset was originally designed with and the fields aligned with?

Unfortunatly I'm only fluent in one language, but was wondering if this could work with othter languages as I'm working with a screenset that is orffered in Russian.

It may also simplify the number of images required too {I notice that loading a number of images even though they are all in the kb range seems to slow the system load, especially if you're not using them yet and just choosing whick ones to use}
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Re: Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby ger21 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:20 pm

This would of course require all new screensets. Who would be willing to do that??

English is pretty universal. I've sold thousands of my Mach3 screens (in English) to about 100 different countries.

I guess the biggest benefit would be in converting other languages to English? But if you ever use Google Translate, it would seem that a simple translation would probably not always give the desired result.
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Re: Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby A_Camera » Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:34 pm

Of course it is possible to do but who is interested in doing the work? Also, if it would be done it must be commercially feasible and there is absolutely no warranty that it would pay off. After all, you can't force people to buy Russian versions just because it's available. Also it wouldn't increase the sales proportionally so I don't think it is a loss not to have it. Maybe translating to Hungarian would pay off because they can offer support also in Hungarian but to Russian... I doubt.
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Re: Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby Robertspark » Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:02 pm

Think you've all missed the question

At no point did I suggest re-writing all of the existing default UCCNC screensets.

At no point did I suggest that it would be beneficial to have a screenset in russian more than any other language.

the question was, do you think it would be possible to use a textfield object to display text which appeared like a label and was obtained from a slow looping macroloop which provided the translation for various bits of text?

I am presently doing a screenset for something specific and I know that it IS also used by Russian speakers (I've seen the button images with the text on them), hence I was wondering if there may be an easier way than having a whole load of different buttons with different text on them or to just overlay the text you want on them with a label or textfield object).


I was kind of expecting responses like:
that will add too much overhead which is unnessesary and slow the machine down
or it won't work
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Re: Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby A_Camera » Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:56 pm

Robertspark wrote:Think you've all missed the question

Perhaps I did...
Robertspark wrote:At no point did I suggest re-writing all of the existing default UCCNC screensets.

So, what was it exactly you want to do? Create a part which is language independent? What would be the point if not all the screens are similar and use the same language?
But yes, perhaps I don't really understand what you wanted to do...
Robertspark wrote:At no point did I suggest that it would be beneficial to have a screenset in russian more than any other language.

No, you did not suggest, but it was an example language you mentioned. You said "I'm working with a screenset that is orffered in Russian" so I took that as example. I mentioned Hungarian as well, not just Russian, because CNC Drive is a Hungarian company with a lot of Hungarian knowledge. Who would be interested in doing it unless it was beneficial for them?
Robertspark wrote:the question was, do you think it would be possible to use a textfield object to display text which appeared like a label and was obtained from a slow looping macroloop which provided the translation for various bits of text?

...and the answer is almost exactly the same.
Yes, it is probably possible, but it is a huge job (which I am 100% sure about). ...and yes, I am pretty sure you need to rewrite the existing screenset to make it work if you want to use new, language independent buttons.
...but if I'd do it it would not be through a macro loop. Why would you need to have a macro loop involved at all for a simple (technically speaking) language set-up? Such things normally done in off-line configuration and not on a running software, so there is no need for macro loop. ...but resizing may create an issue, so the problem is probably quite complex.
Robertspark wrote:I am presently doing a screenset for something specific and I know that it IS also used by Russian speakers (I've seen the button images with the text on them), hence I was wondering if there may be an easier way than having a whole load of different buttons with different text on them or to just overlay the text you want on them with a label or textfield object).

Personally I'd just create separate bitmap files with the languages I'd provide. Depending on the work flow used for generating the button images this can be very simple. In my case for my Probe screen buttons, I used Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and the text is just a separate layer, so changing the text to anything I want to is easy in the original file. Of course, once the file is saved as a png changing anything is not so easy any more.
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Re: Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby ger21 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 4:02 pm

Think you've all missed the question

At no point did I suggest re-writing all of the existing default UCCNC screensets.

If they added support for what you are asking, then existing screensets would not be able to use this, as most all have a lot of the text in the background and button images.

I think the screen format would need to add some type of Z level layering, and fields would need to have transparent backrounds. There would also need to be a way to click on the button, and not the field that's on top of it. A rather complex change I'm guessing?

The workaround, if you are designing a screen, is to make each button in multiple languages, and use an installer to install the appropriate graphic files. I do this with my Mach3 screen. A user made French versions of all the backgrounds, and the installer installs the language specific files.
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Re: Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby Robertspark » Sun Oct 08, 2017 5:23 pm


I wasn't asking for anything to be implemented.
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Re: Screenset languages - just wondering??

Postby ger21 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 9:20 pm

So all you're asking is if it's possible to do this with the current screens?
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