How to disable background jogging with active plugin

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How to disable background jogging with active plugin

Postby santiniuk » Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:19 am


I'm seeking guidance on how to avoid an issue I'm seeing on a custom screenset I've made.
In summary I have added two buttons to the front screen of the standard screenset.
Button 1 - This calls up the lightburn loader v1.2 plugin
Button 2 - This calls up the UCCNC laser engrave plugin

Both buttons work fine and all is good. The plugins load from the button and I can enter required values.

The issue however is that when the plugin opens if I use the cursor controls inside the dialogue box for either plugin when active, this also jogs my machine in the background and moves the axis. I need to disable the jog function when either plugin dialogue box is active on the screen and I am entering values.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance.
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