Ceiling WalterLamp.

Hi, I'm happy to share my realisation of a WalterLamp.
I do it to set as a lamp on the ceilling of a hall.
It's 45cm high, pinewood 18mm.
With the bulb of 25w, the design beams a cool light.
G-code build with VcarveDesktop.
Cut with UCCNC 1.2111 on a Stepcraft D840, Spindle HF500.
Credit & design to esparapse https://www.instructables.com/id/Cnc-Wood-SculptureLamp/
I do it to set as a lamp on the ceilling of a hall.
It's 45cm high, pinewood 18mm.
With the bulb of 25w, the design beams a cool light.
G-code build with VcarveDesktop.
Cut with UCCNC 1.2111 on a Stepcraft D840, Spindle HF500.
Credit & design to esparapse https://www.instructables.com/id/Cnc-Wood-SculptureLamp/