I plan to diy a cnc laser cutting machine

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I plan to diy a cnc laser cutting machine

Postby Rokey » Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:50 am

I know that the core component needed to make a laser cutting machine is a laser tube, So I bought a 130w laser tube from Chinese supplier SPT Laser in the early stage of my idea. This is their official website. http://www.sptlaser.net.Has anyone bought this tube? How about the quality?
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Re: I plan to diy a cnc laser cutting machine

Postby Tweakie.CNC » Wed Dec 04, 2019 12:07 pm

Nice tube, I know nothing of the quality but I just love that red co-axial light feature - that will make the mirror set-up just soo easy.

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Re: I plan to diy a cnc laser cutting machine

Postby 3d0g » Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:53 pm

SPT has an excellent reputation. I've been happy with Cole Tech tubes (always factory fresh and exceed rated power), but if Cole Tech disappeared, I'd definitely buy SPT.

That's a honkin' tube! Integrated alignment laser is a nice touch. My advice on your build is: Don't skimp on the power supply and unless you're doing active cooling, go big on the coolant reservoir - like 10 gallons. I was burning through a cheap chinese power supply every year or two until I bit the bullet and bought a quality one.

I just finished a ground-up rebuild of my diy laser. Doubled the work size to 20x40 and re-designed the gantry using OpenBuild V-Slot. A lot of the work I do involves engraving so getting X speed up was key. I'm running 1,000 ipm now and could probably go quicker if I upgraded the CW230 stepper drivers.

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