Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Servo

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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:23 pm

Using the Arduino is like the PLC approach where the PLC controls the ATC and just signals back and forth to UCCNC.

I had hoped that UCCNC would allow some out of bounds axis controls that are not sync to the XYZABC axis maybe UVX that way you could do all the needed functions of complex features and not have to resort to a outside PLC controller. OR possible being able to use multi controllers from one controller platform. 1 controller to run teh Gcode machine and the other controller that would run as a PLC with Step Dir support as well as high speed I/O.. That way it ALL stays inside of the UCCNC family. I have been looking into ways to connect 2 controllers that can talk to each other AND to UCCNC.

Are you sure you want to stick to the TTS tool system ?? That is the hardest of the lot to work with for a dependable ATC.

But it is what it is. I am just thinking outside the box.

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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:46 pm

Using the Arduino is like the PLC approach where the PLC controls the ATC and just signals back and forth to UCCNC.

I had hoped that UCCNC would allow some out of bounds axis controls that are not sync to the XYZABC axis maybe UVX that way you could do all the needed functions of complex features and not have to resort to a outside PLC controller. OR possible being able to use multi controllers from one controller platform. 1 controller to run teh Gcode machine and the other controller that would run as a PLC with Step Dir support as well as high speed I/O.. That way it ALL stays inside of the UCCNC family. I have been looking into ways to connect 2 controllers that can talk to each other AND to UCCNC.

Are you sure you want to stick to the TTS tool system ?? That is the hardest of the lot to work with for a dependable ATC.

But it is what it is. I am just thinking outside the box.

(;-) TP
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:49 pm

We went down the TTS road from the start, so hard to go back now.

While I don't really like the Acorn, they did integrate a beaglebone to run the plc on the motion control board and CNC12 runs the gcode side. It's extremely user-UNfriendly. But I needed a system for my Emco lathe with turret. Their PLC language is cumbersome and unlike any I've seen before.

I may upgrade the idea from an arduino to something with a little more power and speed, I have several type of mini controllers. The idea is more to handle the dumb workload with it (and also control the stepper on the arm) and let UCCNC handle keep the tools sorted out and C axis for the ferris wheel.

LOL...we will probably change our mind a dozen more times before we come to a final design. But there's no hurry on it, so trying to do it right to start.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby cncdrive » Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:21 am

What you saying, that the g-code is run on the motion controller makes it worse for the task Terry wants, to make 2 instances of software to communicate.
It is already possible to do that with the UCCNC (it always was), but it requires programming, you can connect 2 instances using TCP/IP via plugins or using ICP (inter process communication) via plugins. The second only works if both run on the same computer. The first works even if the software instances run on separate computers but are connected into the same LAN network.
Since these libraries and solutions are available in C# therefor it is available in the UCCNC to code, but again it requires a programmer to do this, it is not simple.
And I also don't think that it would make your project to get implemented any easier, it would be likely just harder.

Coding a PLC to handle an ATC is I don't think is any simpler than to program things into the UCCNC, into a macro or into a plugin.
Programming a PLC is even much harder than programming an Arduino.
It is even harder with the friendly PLCs like Omrons and it can become a nightmare for the a non programmer to program a non user friendly PLC like the Moeller. :)
I know, because I have learnt to program PLCs and also I had to program several different brands when I started working after finishing the university...
Furthermore many PLCs can't even run an axis, they are just not fast enough to generate high enough step frequency.
The processor in our ethernet motion controllers run a complex and fast PIC32 microcontroller which is ways faster than any PLC, it runs over 200MHz and it can do Math computation on floating point numbers in a single instruction.
And it has lots of features which make things even faster in that particular type PIC32 MCU is e.g. the DMA controller which makes it possible to generate step/dir and other signals independently of the processor running, so outputting and inputting signals do not even take processor time, the processor can work on other things while the data is generated and being shifted in/out on the ports. :)
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:55 am

Programming an ATC from UCCNC is very simple and UCCNC is very powerfull . But even with a UC300eth you can run out of axiss and i/o quickly. That is IF you are doing a complex ATC. A simple ATC such as a linear or sliding carousell is a piece of cake. Seeing as UCCNC is not really doing anything to speak of Gcode wise during a tool change you have a LOT of CPU power available to work with.

I have been looking at the internal ICP process but have not gotten far with it. There is a LOT that I do not understand about it YET ;)

UCCNC just needs some fine tuning and features added to help support ATCs. I am sure in time it will all be worked out.

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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby cncdrive » Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:59 am

Hi Terry,

Yes, I know and we planning to add more axis, just don't know when can we get there.
And the controller ThreeDJ16 is comparing to is a 4-axis controller, you will run out of axis faster than with the UCCNC with 6-axis.
Even if it has a built in PLC I don't think that it is capable to generate high speed step/dir signals, but even if it could I would be curious to see someone PLC program that (Especially someone who thinks it is hard to make this work in the UCCNC). :D
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:59 am

Hi Balazs, would it be easier to add more axiss to a UC300eth being you still only have a certain amount of I/O available or allow a second controller to interface with UCCNC and not have teh Axis synced to teh Gcode controller ( out of bounds) .

Just curious, (;-) TP
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:01 am

cncdrive wrote:Hi Terry,

Yes, I know and we planning to add more axis, just don't know when can we get there.
And the controller ThreeDJ16 is comparing to is a 4-axis controller, you will run out of axis faster than with the UCCNC with 6-axis.
Even if it has a built in PLC I don't think that it is capable to generate high speed step/dir signals, but even if it could I would be curious to see someone PLC program that (Especially someone who thinks it is hard to make this work in the UCCNC). :D

I started programming PLCS in 1987, just fyi..lol. I'm rusty, but not incapable. But my plan is only to use an arduino or small pic just to control the arm at 0. 90, and 180 degrees and a few other minor functions. UCCNC will be doing the heavy lifting. Only doing this becsuse more people in our group may use the ATC that don't use Uccnc and it would be less programming for them. I'm familiar with programming sql oracle and transact along with VB, just never learned the syntax of C#. I'm slow and much older now, but I'll get there eventually. But until I know all the components in motion for our system, I'm just poking around seeing what can be done.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Wed Mar 13, 2019 9:24 am

LoL, when I was in college, C wasn't even in the curriculum. We were only taught Basic, COBOL, Fortran and Pascal....haha. Oh well, punch card computers were still in place at some of the facilities I work.

Anyway, hopefully I get sit down with a few good Youtube channels and catch the syntax basics and use examples. I'm a noob to C#, but not to general programming. Just not my everyday job, but used to be a hobby years ago. So yes, it will probably be very interesting...LOL.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby cncdrive » Wed Mar 13, 2019 9:44 am

I started programming when I was about 7. Yes, it was basic and when I was about 8 I have learnt assembly. (I'm 39 now.) Yea, C or C++ was not even in the corner yet at that time.
Later I taught all kind of different programming languages and when I was 12 I started teaching assembly programming to collegue students to get some pocket money. :D
And when I was in college then there was already C++ which was in the curriculum, 3 semesters + final examination from all.

My father is a programmer mathematitian, he is the Head of Department of Mathematics here in the local University, he said that when he learnt programming there was only a single punch card computer in the whole University and he said that they had to make the programs and then the cards and had to wait for about 2 weeks to run it on the computer and then when there was an error they had to correct the cards which was manually patching the holes in the card which holes was the errorous codes. They did not even get new punch cards for the error correction, it was too expensive to waste on students. :)
The world has changed a lot since that I have to say.
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