Values not being accepted/applied

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Values not being accepted/applied

Postby kevin » Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:59 pm


I'm having a problem trying to set some values in the settings. In particular right now, the Y+ soft limit. I know that you have to press enter to confirm the value so that is not it. I put in the new value (larger than existing one), press enter and then click to apply settings and the value reverts back. I've tried doing it when the machine is both at the limit and not. When I do it when it is at the limit and the softlimit indicator light is on, when I click apply settings, the light goes off for a second, then the value reverts and the light comes back on.

Sometimes it might apply on the first try. Sometimes the second or third. Or sometimes like right now where no matter how many times I try to change it, it refuses to set and apply.

I've had this problem on and off since I've started using it. The times it happens that I can think of are when I'm trying to change things on an axis to do with either limits, velocity, acceleration, etc. Stuff like that. Other settings like enabling/disabling softlimits seem to work. I don't know if this could somehow be to do with my set up since there doesn't seem to be other people having this problem. What happens when those types of values are set. Do they get set or are communicated in any way on the motion controller (AXBB-E) before being validated? If this isn't a bug and it's being reverted for a reason, there should really be some kind of message saying why it's being reverted. It would save a lot of frustrations.

I have seen that there is a new version available in one of the forum posts but it's not the one available from the product page which makes me think it's still in beta testing. Should I be trying that version?

I'm at a loss.

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Re: Values not being accepted/applied

Postby cncdrive » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:47 am

If velociy is reverting back to old value is because you trying to set more than the allowed value.
This is because max. velocity is defied by the kernel frequency and the steps per value of the axes.

Other values are not limited, but the I/O numbers revert to 0 if you trying to set an invalid port/pin number pair or if you trying to setup an output pin for an input function or an input pin for an output function.

If other values are also reverting back to 0 then please show me on a video to let me see how it is happening exactly.
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Re: Values not being accepted/applied

Postby kevin » Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:42 pm

Thanks for getting back to me.

cncdrive wrote:If velociy is reverting back to old value is because you trying to set more than the allowed value.
This is because max. velocity is defied by the kernel frequency and the steps per value of the axes.

OK, this makes sense, however, I was ultimately able to get the values I wanted in there. I just took a bunch of fooling around and finally it took. Maybe some sort of race condition?

cncdrive wrote:Other values are not limited, but the I/O numbers revert to 0 if you trying to set an invalid port/pin number pair or if you trying to setup an output pin for an input function or an input pin for an output function.

If other values are also reverting back to 0 then please show me on a video to let me see how it is happening exactly.

I haven't run into the I/O port problem, though that sounds like it would have been an easier solution. The values don't revert to 0, just back to the original value. I'll take a video the next time it happens.

The last time it happened, my work around was to edit the profile file with the value I wanted, re-load that and then apply and that worked.

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Re: Values not being accepted/applied

Postby cncdrive » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:22 pm

Hi Kevin,

OK, please make a video or a screen capture.
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