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Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:20 am
by Vmax549
There appears to be a problem with teh Qvar value . After it is used it should reset to null but it is not.

E and H work properly.

(;-) TP

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:51 am
by cncdrive
Terry, can you please tell us how to check this out? I mean what and how are you doing things to see the problem?

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:46 am
by Vmax549
Here is teh test code. E and H "always" work correctly. IF there is NO EH values then it does not update teh DROs. With teh Q var IF there is a value it updates the DRO but IF you do not apply Qvalues it resets teh Z to zero every time. With no Q value it should not update teh DRO but it does with a zero value. Teh Status message shows what teh EHQ values are and teh Q shows it as EMPTY but that could also mean it is a space and not really null. ALSO teh Z dro seems to NOT format correctly when it writes to it. IF I have a Qvalue of 333 it write it as 333 not 333.0000 THE XY DROs works perfectly every time

//Macro M304 resets XYZ DROs to EHQ var value

exec.AddStatusmessage("E> " + Evar + " , H> " + Hvar + " , Q> " +Qvar);

if (Evar != null)
AS3.Setfield (Convert.ToDouble(Evar),226);

if (Hvar != null)

if (Qvar != null)

At least that is what happens here v2111, (;-) TP

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:07 am
by Vmax549
Hi Balazs, IF you are looking for glitches to check out you may want to check teh rotary axis 360 rollover function. Part of that function is rotate the closest path. AND doing a G0 move it works fine. BUT it also does teh closest path with G1 move which it should never do.

Also when you just check ( ) Rotary axis what changes in UCCNC ?? I do not see where it does anything different.

Just a thought, (;-) TP

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:10 am
by cncdrive
Question: When rotary axis is rollover on 360 set then you saying that it should never move ot shorter distance?! Then how should it move? There are 2 possibilities in this mode, to move to shorter distance or to move to longer distance, there is no 3rd possibility, because the coordinates roll over on 0 to 360 and vica versa.

When rotary axis is selected then the path feedrate is calculated on the other axes only, the rotary axis just follows. The only limit is the axis acceleration and it's max. velocity.

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:23 am
by Vmax549
What I am saying is teh Shortest path should NEVER work with a G1 move. It should ONLY work with a G0 move.

A G1 move HAS to move exactly as it is programmed to do with NO exceptions. There can be NO shortcuts (;-) Teh G0 move on teh other hand it does not matter IF you take a shortcut because it is not cutting anything.

OK on teh rotatry axis Checkbox thing HOW is teh rotatry axis feedrate calculated if not from XYZ . UCCNC does not have rotary axis radius comp does it ?? IF it did there would be no need for G93 coding. I tested some basic code and did not notice any difference in feedrates between teh XYZ and teh rotary axis. THE XYZ can only go as fast as teh rotary feed in degrees allow and that is normally very slow in comparison.

Maybe I am missing something ????

Just a thought, (;-) TP

(;-) TP

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:33 am
by cncdrive

What you saying makes no sense.
When an axis is rotary and is set to rollover on 360° then it can move 2 ways:
1.) Shorter path
2.) Longer path

Because G1 does not define which way to move, not like G2/G3 which defines CW or CCW therefor the control has to select one of the ways, because it is simply undefined.
So, moving "as it is programmed" makes no sense at all, because it is not programmed (cannot be programmed) with the G0 or G1 which way to move.

Rotary axis now works the same way as in Mach3. (If that makes any sense?) :)
When the path feedrate is calculated then it is calculated on XYZ if there is XYZA axesprogrammed with the A being rotary, then the A axis only follows the XYZ as fast as it's acceleration and velocity allowing it to do so.
In this case the A axis will only limit the XYZ movement if it's velocity and/or acceleration is not fast enough to let the XYZ move with the programmed feedrate.

I do not know what "rotary axis radius comp" is. What g-code is that? G96? That is not supported yet.

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:59 am
by Vmax549
Rotary axis radius comp is where you define the Radius of the part in the rotary axis and the control converts the Deg/min feedrate of the rotary to a surface feedrate in in/min (imperial) so that the XYZ and rotary axis use the same unit of feedrate instead of XZY using in/min and teh rotary using Deg/min.

You cannot do that without the control knowing the Radius comp value OR using the value of Z based on the Center of the rotary axis = Z0.

OK If you think the 360 rollover is working correctly then I will say no more about it.

(;-) TP

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:03 am
by cncdrive
Terry, I think then that is G96 constant surface speed is what you talking about, isn't it? That is not yet implemented.
We have the G95 (spindle controlled feedrate) and the G96 (constant surface speed) codes in our plans to implement.
Probably the G95 implementation will happen first.

Yes, the rollover 360 degrees cannot work differently with the linear programmed G0/G1, just think it through and you will see what I'm talking about.

Re: Qvar Problem

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:24 am
by Vmax549
No it is NOT G96 CSS.

Before you say teh Rollover is correct RUN this test code with and without (x) Rotary axis and Use 360 roll over checked.

G0 X0 Y0 Z1 A0
G1 Z0
G1 X10 A3600 F50
G0 Z1
G0 Z0
G1 X0 A0

With rollover OFF teh A axis will rotate ten times over 10 " of X travel like it should.

With roll over ON teh A axis never moves (;-) and you just destroyed your part as teh X goes straight to X10 without the A axis rotating. The rollover THINKS it does not have to move because 3600 is a multiple of 360.

I just retested it here, (;-) TP