I tried giving it a small movement. This code is very similar to the line code which does work with ARC OK. This code does not wait for ARC OK either. It should as it is the same as the line code but with only a 0.0001 movement. I still say there is some timing issue going on here inside of UCCNC. It's like this all happens before UCCNC starts listening for an ARC OK.
- Code: Select all
N0010 (Filename: stepper mount - rob edit 16g v8 DRILLS.tap)
N0020 (Post processor: UCCNC_M1031.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 13/08/2020)
N0040 G20 (Units: Inches)
N0050 G17 G40 G49 G50 G64 G69
N0060 G80 G90 G94
N0070 M205 (THCON)
N0080 F1
N0090 S1
N0100 (Part: stepper mount beefy v5)
N0110 M06 T103 (finecut 16g steel)
N0120 G64 Q0.023
N0130 (Operation: Drill, DRILL, T103: finecut 16g steel, 0 in Deep)
N0140 G00 X1.1675 Y1.4567 Z1.5000
N0150 M1031 (TouchOff)
N0160 G00 Z0.1500
N0170 M03 (Torch Fire)
N0180 G04 P0.400
N0190 G01 X1.1675 Y1.4567 Z0.0600 F150.0
N0195 X1.1676
N0200 M05 (Torch Off)
N0210 G04 P0.200
N0220 G00 Z1.5000
N0230 X2.3880
N0240 M1031 (TouchOff)
N0250 G00 Z0.1500
N0260 M03 (Torch Fire)
N0270 G04 P0.400
N0280 G01 X2.3880 Y1.4567 Z0.0600 F150.0
N0285 X2.3881
N0290 M05 (Torch Off)
N0300 G04 P0.200
N0310 G00 Z1.5000
N0320 X1.1675 Y0.2362
N0330 M1031 (TouchOff)
N0340 G00 Z0.1500
N0350 M03 (Torch Fire)
N0360 G04 P0.400
N0370 G01 X1.1675 Y0.2362 Z0.0600 F150.0
N0375 X1.1676
N0380 M05 (Torch Off)
N0390 G04 P0.200
N0400 G00 Z1.5000
N0410 X2.3880
N0420 M1031 (TouchOff)
N0430 G00 Z0.1500
N0440 M03 (Torch Fire)
N0450 G04 P0.400
N0460 G01 X2.3880 Y0.2362 Z0.0600 F150.0
N0465 X2.3881
N0470 M05 (Torch Off)
N0480 G04 P0.200
N0490 G00 Z1.5000
N0500 G0 X0.0 Y0.0
N0510 M05 M30
Line code. This code does work and waits for ARC OK. The only difference is that it takes longer to run
- Code: Select all
N0010 (Filename: line.tap)
N0020 (Post processor: UCCNC_M1031.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 14/08/2020)
N0040 G20 (Units: Inches)
N0050 G17 G40 G49 G50 G64 G69
N0060 G80 G90 G94
N0070 M205 (THCON)
N0080 F1
N0090 S1
N0100 (Part: line)
N0110 M06 T103 (finecut 16g steel)
N0120 G64 Q0.023
N0130 (Operation: No Offset, LAYER_1, T103: finecut 16g steel)
N0140 G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z1.5000
N0150 M1031 (TouchOff)
N0160 G00 Z0.1500
N0170 M03 (Torch Fire)
N0180 G04 P0.400
N0190 G01 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z0.0600 F150.0
N0200 X2.7165
N0210 M05 (Torch Off)
N0220 G04 P0.200
N0230 G00 Z1.5000
N0240 G0 X0.0 Y0.0
N0250 M05 M30