UC400Eth not visible over Wifi

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UC400Eth not visible over Wifi

Postby onetimeasker » Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:51 pm

My friend and i are trying to install a Stepcraft machine, and we have successfully done so with a direct connection. But the whole reason for going with the Network-enabled controller was to hook it up to a wifi-enabled router/modem, and be able to control and run the CNC while being able to move the computer around and use it in some lower capacity at the same time (do some word, email checking etc, without being in the room with the noisy CNC machine).

Now when the controller is connected trough direct ethernet cable, all is dandy.
When we plug that same controller into the wifi router, the controller is no longer visible on any network, and is not able to be pinged on it's original IP-address.

We both have quite some knowledge of computers, but none at all about networking. Can somebody help us out here?
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Re: UC400Eth not visible over Wifi

Postby cncdrive » Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:07 pm

We do not recommend to use our ethernet motion controllers over Wifi, because it requires a 20msec latency and wifi could lag more especially if the wifi bandwidth and/or the network is overloaded.
You could connect the UC400ETH to a nework router just like as you can with any other network device.
You could use the UCx00 utility tool to adjust the UC400ETH network parameters, you could change the IP address, enable/disable DHCP etc.
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Re: UC400Eth not visible over Wifi

Postby onetimeasker » Thu Sep 19, 2024 7:41 pm

The issue is that it does not show up on the utility tool, when plugged into the router, while to me that's just a network connection (although, a slower one).

To be clear, what the set up looks like:
UC400ETH --> Router (wired)
Router --> UCCNC-enabled Computer1 (WiFi)
Router --> V-carve enabled Computer2 (WiFi)

when running the utility tool from computer1, no controller shows up.

I'll look into the speed of the network as well!
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Joined: Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:42 pm

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