Wizard Plugin

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Wizard Plugin

Postby Dan911 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:27 pm

Hello All,

Following Vmax549 leads and recommendations I put together a Wizard that includes 4 for now, will combine cut and pocket a circle at some point. I tried to copy the wizard menu and wizard types we all got use to like in Mach3.

1. Cut a Circle
2. Pocket a Circle
3. Bolt Pattern with canned cycle's
4. Cut and Pocket a square/rectangle with editable/type corners.

What I'm hoping for is some help in testing, I want to be certain of no bugs so don't have to many different versions floating around like I've done in past. If anyone is kind enough or interested in helping please PM your Email and I will send.

Below is pics of some of the interfaces with samples.

Wizard Menu
Wizard menu.JPG

Hole Pattern

Square/rectangle cut or pocket
square pocket.JPG
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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby cncdrive » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:17 pm

Nice work Dan!!!
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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby ger21 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:43 pm

In your Square Rectangle wizard, what you are calling Material Thickness should probably be called depth of cut, no?
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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby Dan911 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:00 am

Thank you Balázs means tons coming from you!...still a lot of tweaking.

Hi Gerry, it should and I will add a probe depth field, you can see I did add a note to the pocket checkbox.

I had no definitive plan when starting this and now I see more clearly of things I didn't care about at first but are wrong. Having a interface for cut a circle and another for pocket is silly when a checkbox will combine the two. :oops:

Appreciate your input/help.

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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby Dan911 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:45 am

I rushed to email quite a few tonight and after realized I left some messagebox debugging windows still in. It might of seemed not to be working because buried behind windows. Replace with this 1, same instructions... just create a standard button in UCCNC and give the labelnumber 6333

It's late so easier just posting here for all, Thanks.


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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby Dan911 » Sun Jan 21, 2018 2:06 pm

I really like to thank those who got back to me with found errors/miscalculation in plugin with testing, it makes it so much easier to find and fix. I've did a lot of testing myself and found many and fixed. Below the fixed version can be downloaded with some notes.

1. Bugs/errors fixed----------To many to list.
2. Wizard plugin creates a folder in UCCNC startup directory "Wizard_Gcode" where saved files can be found.
3. Leave File name blank until ready to save so you don't end up with many files in folder. Wizard saves entered Textfield settings for return until UCCNC closes.
4. Cut and Pocket a Circle has been combined to one Wizard.
5. When Pocket Checked in Wizard "Material Thickness" becomes "Pocket Depth".

Setup Instructions:
1. Create a standard button with UCCNC screen edit and give it a Labelnumber 6333
2. Put file in UCCNC/Plugin folder.

If any request for next added Wizard post here.

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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby Dan911 » Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:04 pm

Dan911 wrote:I really like to thank those who got back to me with found errors/miscalculation in plugin with testing, it makes it so much easier to find and fix. I've did a lot of testing myself and found many and fixed. Below the fixed version can be downloaded with some notes.

1. Bugs/errors fixed----------To many to list.
2. Wizard plugin creates a folder in UCCNC startup directory "Wizard_Gcode" where saved files can be found.
3. Leave File name blank until ready to save so you don't end up with many files in folder. Wizard saves entered Textfield settings for return until UCCNC closes.
4. Cut and Pocket a Circle has been combined to one Wizard.
5. When Pocket Checked in Wizard "Material Thickness" becomes "Pocket Depth".

Setup Instructions:
1. Create a standard button with UCCNC screen edit and give it a Labelnumber 6333
2. Put file in UCCNC/Plugin folder.

If any request for next added Wizard post here.

Sorry incorrect spelling and edit period timed out.

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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby markcadcam » Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:55 am

I'm new to UCCNC Wizards. How do to give the Button the Labelnumber 6333?
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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby Dan911 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:54 pm

markcadcam wrote:I'm new to UCCNC Wizards. How do to give the Button the Labelnumber 6333?

Hi Mark, Adding a button to your screenset in UCCNC can be used for many things, that's why UCCNC supply's a screen edit.


To go to your run screen by holding down shift and press "RUN" tab.

In the Create/Delete section in screen edit create a button and in Selection section give it "Buttonnumber" 6333. Hit apply and then go to File tab and press save screenset.

My instructions make it seem more complicated than it is, once in screen edit all will make sense.

Hope this helped,
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Re: Wizard Plugin

Postby markcadcam » Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:42 am

Got it. Thank you!
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