Conversational Wizards

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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby spumco » Sat Jan 06, 2018 11:47 pm

I'll chime in with my wishlist:

I'd like something compatible with the 2017 screenset, so a new page is probably out - I'd have to edit the screenset and then future updates would require the same thing.

MillWizard for Mach3 is just about everything I need in a conversational program - it's just buggy and they aren't really supporting or updating it. For those that haven't used it, it has the 'append' feature Terry mentioned where you can add new operations to a master file and output the whole thing as a single file. Multiple tools, etc.

The engrave feature is nice because you can import different stick fonts and it's way faster than F360 for simple engraving on a flat surface.

Here's a screenshot with the basic toolpath options on the right.

New Bitmap Image (2).jpg
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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby Dan911 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:59 am

Hi Terry,

As you already know your suggestions, input, help is always very much appreciated and valued.

I thought of adding a Z height setting and still possibly will but as of now the plugin/wizard uses the safe Z set in UCCNC. Yes, adding a tool number was definitely in my plans and using the UCCNC tool table to read offsets as and option. Will definitely add a R, Q, P setting when I attempt a drilling/pecking wizard.

Great idea with pocket depth, I intended to have the textbox permanently have the negative symbol and only allow 1 decimal with 0-9 but what your suggesting makes more sense.You lost me a little on the starting point, wouldn't the starting point be top of material/zero? In Alphacam it forces you to use a negative value and I do find this annoying but yet in Aspire it does it for you once you set up material/zero, I'm assuming this is what you mean??

I spent over 4 hours on this today and barley finished what I thought would be the simplest wizards, I'm happy at least I have it producing good gcode, maybe the rest will come

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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby ger21 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:43 am

Say you have a pocket, inside a pocket. Having a start depth allows you to cut the lower pocket without re-cutting the pocket that's already gone.
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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby Dan911 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:59 pm

Hi Gerry, Terry,

As of now the circular pocket wizard I just completed can only generate gcode for 1 pocket at a time. So if you wanted to do a
pocket within a pocket you would do deeper pocket first than do second pocket with new generated Gcode.

Adding a starting depth I can't help but think this opens the door wider for a crash, besides this would require a lot more coding :shock:

Terry, I did make the change to pocket depth and material thickness and handled the negative values within the code, this makes much more sense...Thanks!

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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby ger21 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:33 pm

Adding a starting depth I can't help but think this opens the door wider for a crash,

All Vectric software has Start Depth settings for all of their toolpaths, and there are a LOT of beginners using Vectric Software

besides this would require a lot more coding :shock:

Yeah, Depth + Start Depth could be problematic. :lol:
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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby Dan911 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:50 pm

ger21 wrote:
Adding a starting depth I can't help but think this opens the door wider for a crash,

All Vectric software has Start Depth settings for all of their toolpaths, and there are a LOT of beginners using Vectric Software

besides this would require a lot more coding :shock:

Yeah, Depth + Start Depth could be problematic. :lol:

I guess I was trying to subtly write I don't think it's needed in a amusing way. Yes, I use Aspire and aware of this setting, but like I already wrote the wizard only allows to generate gcode for 1 pocket at a time so I don't see it necessary. Changing the starting depth each time IMO leaves more room for error. You can achieve the same results like I described in previous post.

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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby Dan911 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:36 pm

Putting a little more thought to this having a xy start and z start can be very useful. I hate idea's that I didn't come up with. :D
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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby Dan911 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:46 pm

All my experience with cnc is with a router/cabinet parts, signage..etc. That's why having a new xyz position didn't click for me right away. I wouldn't even attempt some of the wizards you shown since I have absolutely no experience using them.

No, I haven't tried with a macro, I gotten to know my way around VS well and I feel when messing with macro's it's like starting over. I already completed 2 wizards and no way I would of gotten that far that quickly with a macro. Not saying they aren't the same amount of work, but it's easier for me with plugin and my preference.

My original approach was the code[] list method but I like to see gcode loaded in UCCNC and it certainly helps in the development stage.

If you would like to see what I have so far let me know and I'll post, I have the create a circle and circular pocket fully functional, nothing like the examples I originally posted.

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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby Dan911 » Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:01 am

Having fun with this! Wizard number 3 almost complete.

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Re: Conversational Wizards

Postby Dan911 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:34 am

Vmax549 wrote:HIYA Dan , Looking Good (;-)

Questions if I may.

What is teh tool diam for ?? Ar you adding in that info for teh post notes ??

All parameters used are copied from each wizard, tool diameter is not needed just like ccw. My main focus at first was to get it working properly than tweak the interface. Tool diameter will most likely become tool #. Like I posted previously "almost complete" and questions like this help.

Vmax549 wrote: G4 dwell ?

This will be used for the "P" parameter in a G82 or G83

Vmax549 wrote:I see a G99 but no G98. What if teh machine was left in G99 and you wanted to switch back to G98 ??

G98 is model on UCCNC start, my code as of now is if g99 checked than G99. I didn't see a need for G98 since UCCNC is already in G98 unless Gcode changed it. Yes, I know it will remain in G99 and G80 won't cancel it., but any canned cycle Gcode works this way as far as I know. If you run new Gcode with this unchecked it would be put back in G98. Thanks for pointing this out and what do you suggest?

Vmax549 wrote:Have you noticed with check boxes you can select more than 1 selection ? Pull down boxes work well there as you can set it for single selection only.

It can not, if you check 1 it will uncheck any other I choose related. I used this method in ModbusEZ plugin, It makes it easy to add other conditions if checked in check change Event. A combobox is also an option and something to consider.

Vmax549 wrote:Have you given any thoughts as to being mouse free ??

No, haven't a clue where to start, interested in your input.

Thanks for your help,
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