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Laser not firing UCBB-1

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:06 pm
by deanscanlon
Hello, I'm looking for some help from you UCCNC super users.
I have a LASERTREE LT-80W-AA-PRO Laser and for the life of me I cannot get it to fire through the software.

It's PWM and calls for between 3-12v PWM signal. The hardware is UC300ETH/UCBB-1 on my 4 axis CNC ROUTER.
I have connected the PWM out to pin 17/port 2 and told the software that is the laser pin/port.
Am I right in thinking that the UCBB-1 outputs on the minus side? The PWM is calling for positive voltage.

Anyone know how to work around this? I have tried active low/high with no difference noted.
Any help would be forever appreciated.
If you made it this far, thank you for any help you may be able to give me.

Re: Laser not firing UCBB-1

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:25 pm
by deanscanlon
Anybody?? any help?
Is there a different breakout board I need to achieve this?

Re: Laser not firing UCBB-1

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:16 pm
by formantjim
I too have an Endurance laser working with ETH300 directly . First check to see if things are as expected with Port 2 and PWM on PIN 17 under the diagnostics tab you should see with the spindle off the led is RED. Then once the Spindle is switched on then it should flash RED indicating PWM is being output. If you were to put a scope on this pin you should see a 0 to 5 volt signal.

Now this is where things get a little trickier when using the UCBB-1 as the outputs are nothing more than open ended MOSFETS there is no voltage present on these pins at all!
So to connect your laser to the UCBB-1 you will need to do the following use a 4.7K ohm resistor with one side tied to +5 volts and the other to output PIN 17 you will then need to change the activity of the PIN to LOW so you should get positive going pulses going to the Laser.
Once you have that sorted then I would highly recommend using the Laser Plugin this will provide variable power and one can generate great art work. If you are going to use it for cutting then you need to familiarize yourself with the Q code for power control and the M10 and M11 commands

Re: Laser not firing UCBB-1

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:51 pm
by cncdrive
You can add a resistor from the UCBB output to 5Volts or 12Volts. Then the output can sin kand source current, so it should work with your laser controller.
For 5V I would use 220 to 470 Ohms and for 12Volts I would use 470 to 1k Ohm resistor.