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VFD parameters

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:03 pm
by Coyote94
I use en FVD Folinn BD600 for my 24000tr spindle, I try to use it I get some bizarre symptoms :
- if I enter S5000 M3 command, then spingle goes to full speed (24000trs) and VFD shows 800 (for 800hz)
- when I move speed cursor to 0% then speed down and VFD shows 792
- sometime when I click on "CW" button, spindle doesn't move and VFD shows 50

Hereby my UCCNC config

and VFD config

I'm pretty certain is bout some parameter in UCCNC but which ones ?

Re: VFD parameters

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:06 pm
by cncdrive
I would measure the analog output voltage from your motion controller to figure if it is UCCNC or VFD problem.

Re: VFD parameters

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:42 pm
by Coyote94
it's fixed !

I had installed several UCCNC instances on the PC (test, Prod, versions) to do tests.
Several times, I had error messages about sharing libraries which crashed the application.

I focused on the 2 main versions that I was using; one with a black screen and one original.
By measuring the voltage on the black version, I only had 10v or 0 but also weird things when launching the spindle with a button: it worked then not, it went through with the command then nothing or it crashed.

Same exercise with the original version and there the measurements change according to the speed.

Conclusion: application developed with the left elbow because everything is dependent; interface, settings, commands and the libraries but not surprising on Windows.