C11G + UC100

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C11G + UC100

Postby blades » Fri Feb 07, 2025 10:19 pm

I just very recently learned that my UC100 is capable of controlling up to 6 axis? I had no idea, I've just been using it on a 3 axis router plugged into a Gecko G540. I want to expand my machine to 5 axis, but I can't find any wiring diagrams anywhere for the C11G that show more than 3 stepper drivers connected. Can anyone point me to a diagram that shows how I would hook up 6 stepper drivers to the C11G? I need a slave for the Y axis.

Same holds true for the AXBB-E, which I was looking at prior to learning about the UC100 supporting up to 6 axis. I can't find anything that shows more than 3 or 4 drives hooked up. I could really use some direction here. I want to play around with the 4/5 axis attachment I have coming, but need to figure out how to hook up all the stepper drivers. Thank you in advance!
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Re: C11G + UC100

Postby blades » Sat Feb 08, 2025 1:48 pm

So allow me to expand my question regarding the AXBB-E controller:

Can I utilize Port 3 on this controller by connecting my Gecko G540 via. an IDC26 to DSUB25 cable? That would give me what I require for X, Y, and Z on my current setup. If that works, then what inputs on the AXBB would I utilize for the other 2 stepper drivers for 4/5? Are any of the I/O's of port 3 'clones' of other I/O's on the AXBB?

My ultimate preference would be to utilize a C11G because I already have the UC100 controller, but the logistics of hookup seem like they would be much simpler with the AXBB. How would I go about connecting my G540 to a C11G so that I would have access to the other 2 drive connections?
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Re: C11G + UC100

Postby blades » Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:04 pm

Perhaps I'm asking the wrong question:
Would it be workable to use a DB25 to DB25 BOB like one of these between the UC100 and the G540 to access the additional outputs of the UC100?
Based on the G540 pinout diagram, it doesn't appear that I have enough leftover outputs for step/direction for 2 more axis. Or am I missing something?

DB25 BOB.jpg

G540 pinout.png
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Re: C11G + UC100

Postby cncdrive » Sat Feb 08, 2025 10:52 pm

To connect the AXBB-E port 3. and the G540 you just need a IDC26 to DSUB26 cable, we have ribbon cables like that in our webshop, but it is also likely available in other shops like on Amazon etc.
Yes, you can connect the G540 to port#3 of the AXBB-E and you can use any of the step/dir outputs of the AXBB-E for the 4/5/6. axes.
The AXBB-E outputs and inputs are freely configurable, you can attach any functions to any I/Os freely.
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