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After new Software installation, M03 does not fire torch

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:14 pm
by Chrescht
Hello all,
i used UCCNC in combination with an AXBBE for a couple of years now without reinstalling the Software. Everything worked fine.
Now my Computer died and i had to set up another one where i downloaded the latest(i think) Version of UCCNC from CNCDrive, Sheetcam etc..
I imported my previously used modified Postprocessor for Sheetcam and my previously used profile for UCCNC.
Everything works fine, the only problem i have is that the Torch does not fire with the GCODE when M03 should trigger it.
Manually switching the torch on works fine.(This did not worked with the old Version)

Did i miss something?

Thanks for your help

Best regards


Re: After new Software installation, M03 does not fire torch

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:01 am
by Chrescht
I did some troubleshooting:
here is an example:

N0010 (Filename: Neu.tap)
N0020 (Post processor: Mach3 flame with THC - G31.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 18.06.2024)
N0040 G21 (Units: Metric)
N0050 G53 G90 G40
N0060 F1
N0070 S500
N0080 (Part: Neu)
N0090 (Process: Außenversatz, LAYER_1, T1: T1: Plasma, 1,5 mm Schnittbreite)
N0100 M06 T1 (T1: Plasma, 1,5 mm Schnittbreite)
N0110 G00 X201.7100 Y110.9600 Z10.0000
N0120 G31 Z -100 F500.0
N0130 G92 Z-4.9600
N0140 G00 Z3.0000
N0150 M03
N0160 G04 P0.5
N0170 G01 X201.7100 Y110.9600 Z1.5000 F1400
N0180 G03 X200.7500 Y110.0000 I0.0000 J-0.9600 F1000.0
N0190 G01 Y10.0000 F1000
N0200 G02 X200.0000 Y9.2500 I-0.7500 J0.0000 F1000.0
N0210 G01 X100.0000 F1000
N0220 G02 X99.2500 Y10.0000 I0.0000 J0.7500 F1000.0
N0230 G01 Y110.0000 F1000
N0240 G02 X100.0000 Y110.7500 I0.7500 J0.0000 F1000.0
N0250 G01 X200.0000 F1000
N0260 G03 X200.9600 Y111.7100 I0.0000 J0.9600 F1000.0
N0270 M05
N0280 G00 Z10.0000
N0290 M05 M30

running the cycle, the M03 at line N0150 is ignored. Nothing happens. When i than manually(via the UCCNC screen button) light up the torch (while the cycle is running) it fires and continues the cycle.
At the End at line N0270 the M05 is also ignored, then it goes up and line N0290 resets the cycle and cuts the torch off.

So UCCNC completely ignores M03 and M05

Re: After new Software installation, M03 does not fire torch

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:58 am
by Chrescht
Problem solved!

Thanks to a post of User "torch" with following post "Button starts VFD-spindle but M3 does not".

Actually my UCCNC profile which i saved came from an older Version(No idea what Version it was).
Loading this in to the new updated UCCNC Software made everything working fine, except the M03 and M05 commands.
Entering all my Setup Values for all the Axis, General settings, spindle etc. in the default Profile from the new UCCNC Version, made the commands M03 and M05 working again!!

Now it is up and running again.

Thanks to User: "torch"

