Any chance someone would create a XHC-WHB04b-4 plugin?

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Re: Any chance someone would create a XHC-WHB04b-4 plugin?

Postby Shriek1309 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:08 pm

eathaddict wrote:
vedecoid wrote:I can relate to the position of CNCDrive to not invest their time and money into developing such driver. They are absolutely right in that. However, what I don't understand is that they are not making the source code for the existing plugin available for someone else to start from. UCCNC is a fantastic piece of software in itself, but part of the appeal for me was the ability to write plugins in C# which I'm very familiar with. The mleast that should be available is source code for the existing plugins. For this HD04B-X, the difficult part is not the HID sniffing and figuring out of the protocol used for someone with the right experience and the right tools. HID is a very simple protocol. This info is by the way already available on github and in various forums provided by folks who wrote a working LinuxCNC driver for it. What would be difficult and time consuming for someone like me with the experience of writing HID software in C# is figuring out how to integrate existing HID communication solutions that we wrote before into the UCCNC plugin framework. Hence the question again : can you please open source the existing plugin ? If that isn't possible, I can only conclude that this is rather based on an attempt to make the purchase of the CNCDrive pendant the only viable option for your customers. I'm sure though that that is not the case.

I had the same frustration, but bought a the WHB04B anyway, i have some IT skills and have made a plugin for the pendant. I have just spend 1 day so far and have all the buttons and Joging working.
I just need to find out how to update the DRO on the pendant, make it look respectable and will make it available.

Hey. So were you able to code a proper plugin for the pendant?
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Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:05 pm


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