Change jog modes from plugin

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Change jog modes from plugin

Postby kevlar129bp » Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:23 am

Hello all,

I'm finally putting Mach in my taillights and couldn't be more excited. I'm in the process of porting my macros and plugins to UC and can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong.
My goal is to change the jog modes from "continuous", "step", "MPG cont.", "MPG single" and "MPG multi". Could one of you fine folks provide me a code snippet for accomplishing this?
I assume it's something like "UC.Switchbutton(False, True, btnNumb)", but this doesn't change inside the jog flyout? Maybe it shouldn't? I'm not testing on my live machine, as I need
to get the macro/plugin porting done first.

Thanks all,
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Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:11 am

Re: Change jog modes from plugin

Postby eabrust » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:15 am

User Robertspark has an excellent macro/plugin 'manual, you find it in his signature line. To save you the searching, the link to his manual is:

That gives a good rundown of available functions which are available either through macro or .net Plugininterface. Open it and go to the button list table.

For what you are asking about, most can be accomplished by executing button presses for existing defined button numbers, look at button numbers 147-166, 220-241, 556

If you're writing a macro, you'd use : exec.Callbutton( 'button number here' )

If you're writing a plugin, you'd use UC.Callbutton( 'button number here' )

CraftyCNC: Plugins for UCCNC (and other neat stuff):
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