Zoom to the mouse pointer in toolpath

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Zoom to the mouse pointer in toolpath

Postby spilon » Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:34 pm

Would it be possible to make it so when you zoom in using the mouse wheel in both/either the run/toolpath tabs where it visually shows the gcode it zooms to where the mouse pointer is instead of the current center of the screen?

As a second request how hard would it be to implement a feature where you can, under the toolpath tab because its bigger, be able to make a button where you are in a top view and then you click a goto this point button then click on the display area? Like this:
1. User selects toolpath tab
2. User selects the top view
3. User selects a button that say "Jog to a point"
4. User clicks on a space in the toolpath display area
5. Machine jogs to where the user clicked.

This would be helpful for locating clamps on complex setups and for finding where to put screws when your screwing down a 4x8 sheet with multiple parts on it.

Great software and am strongly considering replacing/augmenting Mach3
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Re: Zoom to the mouse pointer in toolpath

Postby cncdrive » Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:28 pm

Currently the zooming does not work like that, but will check if we can implement it.

I don't think clicking on points to move the axes there is a good idea, because the screen resolution is only as high as the pixel counts while a machine mostly likely has a resolution of the order of 0.01mm or so.
So with clicking on the graphics it is not really possible to precisely define the position to move.

While clicking and moving to that point may be implementable when the toolpath is viewing in parallel with one axis, but as soon as the user rotates the view to random axes alignments then you can nomore define a point in the 3D space using a 2D screen.

I think it is much easier and the position can be defined precisely that way, to tell the user to move the machine with MDI commands.
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