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Saving custom fields by name automatically

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:25 pm
by CNC22369
Please correct me or add missing information.
It is my understanding that UCCNC will automatically save custom field values on exit to the [UsersTextfields] profile section. For example, custom field 20350 having a value of 5 would appear in the profile section as 20350=5 and will be updated on UCCNC ending. What is the method to create a name for the custom field 20350? For example, instead of 20350=5, how do I get it to be customfieldvalue=5. Is the field number somehow setup in a function that is then referred to? Can someone provide an example snippet of code to do this?

Thanks, Frank

Re: Saving custom fields by name automatically

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:56 pm
by ger21
In the profile, it's always going to be the field number. When you read the profile in your macro, you can then assign it to a variable named "customfieldvalue".